FLORIDA COUNCIL OF YACHT CLUBS: The Halifax River Yacht Club is one of 36 private yacht Clubs, stretching from Pensacola to Marathon to Jacksonville that are members of the Florida Council of Yacht Clubs (FCYC). You can enjoy social and dining privileges as well as excellent marina facilities at any of the member clubs; some Clubs offer golf, tennis and pickleball as well. Here's how you can begin enjoying the benefit of that reciprocity.

Locate a member Club you would like to visit by viewing all of the Clubs on the Council website.  For a list CLICK HERE.

Review what each Club offers, check the days and times of operations, and note contact information for dining and docking reservations. You should call each Club directly so that nothing gets lost in the translation and always provide your HRYC membership number. When you arrive wear your HRYC name tag and present your HRYC membership card. All charges will be billed back to your HRYC account, so be certain that your name and member number are correctly recorded. There may be times and days when reservations are not available, such as during special or member-only events. Some Clubs also have restrictions on the frequency of use. First night dockage is always free once every thirty days, but expect to pay a daily utility fee. Available slips at each Club are limited in size, so early reservations are key. Call before you go.

A little bit of history:  In August 1960, the St. Petersburg Yacht Club invited representatives from the thirteen leading West Coast Yacht Clubs to a meeting for the purpose of discussing the formation of a representative body to encourage the sport of yachting, general activities, promote safety afloat, encourage reciprocity between qualified yacht clubs and to promote beneficial legislation.   The thirteen clubs joined together to form the Florida Council of Yacht Clubs.  The Halifax River Yacht Club was the sixteenth club to join the organization in 1973. The Florida Council of Yacht Clubs (FCYC) is now an organization made up of thirty six (36) yacht clubs located throughout the state of Florida. 

The member clubs in the council represent a population of nearly 40,000 voters who have aided in bringing legislative matters, favorable to the boating public, to a successful conclusion.  To assist the Council in monitoring boating related legislation the Council has a legislative representative in Tallahassee, Johnson and Blanton, paid for by the Council. The Council is a respected force recognized as a potent organization of dedicated yacht clubs and Yachtsmen.

The Council Clubs sponsor cruises on members’ boats to destinations along the East and Gulf Coasts of Florida, the Dry Tortugas and Bahamas.  The Council has also sponsored professionally organized large ship cruises to unique locations.

The Council is an active member of water oriented organizations such as the Florida Water Access Coalition, the National Boating Federation, the Florida Boating Advisory Committee and cooperates with other organizations having objectives similar to ours. Close liaison is maintained with the United States Coast Guard in St. Petersburg, Tampa, Jacksonville, Cape Canaveral, Miami and the Corps of Engineers district office in Jacksonville.

The Council Publishes the “Guide to the Clubs by Land and Water.” Available in the HRYC's Ships Store.  It gives directions to each club by car or boat, the types of services offered, the hours of operation, the dress code and contact information for reservations. Boaters get the first night of dockage free. All Club members get to enjoy each club as their very own with reciprocal privileges. Reciprocal charges will be billed to HRYC.

For more information and history, please refer to www.floridacouncilofyachtclubs.com or contact one of your representatives. 

P/C Wayne Stewart is the FCYC Director.