29.207400 LAT -81.016670 LON

Commodore's Cup Series

HRYC 2021 Commodore's Cup
Offshore Race Series

Norm Church, Sail Fleet Captain
(386) 451-3509 * churchco@bellsouth.net

Notice of Race and registration will be available on Regatta Network soon.

Anyone interested in participating in the 2021 Commodore's Cup Offshore Race Series, regardless of skill level, please contact Norm Church.  We are looking for crew, boat owners (experienced or inexperienced) who would like to race, and anyone who would like to assist the committee. 

Schedule of Races/Events

Apr 10
May 1-2
May 28-30
Jun 13

July 11
Aug 21  22
Sep 4-5
Sep 19
Oct 10
Nov 13

Commodore's Cup Race Day
Lipton Cup (SYC event)*
GulfStreamer/Sprint Race*
Commodore's Cup Race Day
Double Handed Race**
Old Timer's Memorial Regatta**
St. Augustine Dash and Sprint**
Commodore's Cup Race Day
Commodore's Cup Race Day
Awards Dinner

2 races scheduled
3 races scheduled
2 races scheduled
2 races scheduled
1 (or 2?) race scheduled
2 races scheduled
2 races scheduled
2 races scheduled
2 races scheduled
HRYC Club house

Scheduled races: There are 14 scheduled Cup races including multi-race events.  

Eight [8] races are required to qualify for the series.  If any of the scheduled events are canceled, or fewer than scheduled races are held, then the R/C reserves the right to reduce the number of races to qualify for the series.

The best ten (10) scores will be used to determine the final scores of the series.  If any of the scheduled events are canceled, or fewer than scheduled races are held, then the R/C reserves the right to reduce the number of races used to score the series.

* Separate entrance fee required

** Registration for this event included in Commodore’s Cup Series Registration, participation in just this event is possible with separate entrance fee.  See the appropriate Notice of Race (NOR) for event and registration details.

All events will have pages on www.RegattaNetwork.com once details are finalized, and you will also be able to just click on the race above.