29.207400 LAT -81.016670 LON

Commodores Cup


There is a Crew Board on Regatta Network for each Event.

1.  Go to Regatta Network page for the Race you are interested in (you can click on the links below).
2.  On the top blue bar, click on 'Newsroom & Results'.
3.  Click on Crew Board and enter your information.
4.  You will receive an emailed verification.  Once you confirm the verification, your information gets posted.

Please note that the Crew Boards do NOT cross-populate. 
For example, if you want to crew for a Commodores Cup race and the Junior Challenge,
you will need to post your information on the Crew Board for each one.

If you are interested in racing in the Commodore’s Cup, here are the steps you need to take:

  1. Apply to First Coast Sailing Association (FCSA) for rating certificate or rating renewal. Go to www.sailjax.com/ and click on Rating App.  Our contact there is Adam Norwood should you have any questions.
  2. Once rating is received, register your boat on Regatta Network. Regatta Network - HRYC Commodore's Cup
  3. Be sure to email your name and contact information to karen@hryc.com to be added to the mailing list.

Schedule of Races and Events

Click on race to register or scroll to bottom and scan QR code.

Wed-Fri,April 11-13 St. Augustine Race Week

                3 Races                

St. Augustine to Ponce Inlet (SAYC) 1 Race
Fri-Sun, April 19-21 Lipton Cup (SYC Event)* 3 Races
Sat, May 11

Commodore's Cup Race Day
Post Race Party at HRYC Tiki Bar following the race

1 Race
Fri, May 24 GulfStreamer Sprint 1 Races
Sat, June 22

Commodore's Cup Race Day

2 Race
Sat, July 20 Junior Race Challenge
Post Race Party at Halifax Sailing Association
1 Race
Sat, Aug 10 Old Timer's Memorial Regatta** 2 Races
Thu-Sat, Aug 29-31

HRYC Starlight Regatta and Sprint**

2 Races
Sun, Sept 1 SAYC Sesquicentennial Race* 1 Race
Sun, Sept 28 Commodore's Cup Race Day 2 Races

Sat, Oct 12

Commodore's Cup Race Day
Post Race Party at Smyrna YC

1 Race
Sat, Nov 16 Awards Dinner at HRYC Clubhouse

Scheduled races: There are 17 scheduled Cup races including multi-race events.

Eight (8) races are required to qualify for the series. If any scheduled events are cancelled, or fewer than scheduled races are held, the Race Committee reserves the right to reduce the number of races required to qualify for the series.

The best twelve (12) scores will be used to determine the final scores for the series. Boats will be scored using a high points scoring system based on the number of boats that start a race. If any of the scheduled events are cancelled, or fewer than scheduled races are held, the R/C reserves the right to reduce the number of races used to score the series.

* Separate entrance fee required to the sponsor of the event.

**Registration for this event is discounted with a Commodore’s Cup Series Registration.  Participation in just this event is possible with a separate entrance fee.  See appropriate Notice of Race (NOR) for event and registration details.

All events have pages on www.RegattaNetwork.com.